Felix had a hard time sleeping for a few days in a row. He was a tiny bit cranky - nothing terrible really. Then on Saturday morning I felt his gum, and it was sharp. Felix has his first tooth!
I would put up a picture, but whenever we open his mouth to even look at the tooth, he sticks his tongue over it...
Felix (a.k.a. The Magnatron) got to exercise his passport - making his first airplane trip a doozy by heading all the way to France to visit Giles's mum and some of the dudes from London.
The flight over went pretty well (leaving aside some last-minute lost-visa-document-shenanigans). It was an overnight flight, and we got the bulkhead row seats with the built in bassinet for Felix. He was almost too big for it. The flight attendant didn't even realize he was there: we had to flag her down to get the baby seat belt as we were just about to take off. He really was about as good as one could hope for a baby on an international flight.
We arrived in Geneva to gorgeous weather - it was even warmer there than New York. Felix got in some quality grandma time (and learned to share his blanket with the very excited Biggles), and we got in a few days of skiing (more successful for Giles than for me. I barely left the green trails, and when I did it was basically disastrous). It was incredibly warm - I didn't wear a hat or gloves the whole time, and had to downgrade to a windbreaker instead of a jacket. Giles managed to get an awesome sunburn on his face, and I got an awesome sunburn on my scalp. His was redder, but mine was definitely sexier when it started to peel (EW). Adam broke his snowboard and Tom broke a rib. I think the only one to get through skiing unscathed was Dougal, who we also have to thank for his amazing paparazzi skills.
I promise! I started back at work on March 2nd (and worked straight through the first 2 weekends), and then we spent the last two weekends moving, so I've been VERY negligent in updating. But Felix is good and getting HUGE and we have a bunch of pictures to post, which I promise I will do in the next few days!
I went and got a jumperoo to hang in the doorway, because Felix is STILL not into tummy time and I'm trying to get him off his back. (Seriously, the poor thing is sporting the most severe mullet ever - he's rubbed off almost all the hair everywhere except his little duck tail in the back...)
Anyway - the jumperoo is for babies 4 months and over, so he's just about there, but it's comically large for him. I shoved a blanket in there to keep him from going completely sideways, and he seemed to enjoy himself! Although, he's not so much jumping in it as just twirling. It's still cute.
Recently Felix discovered his hands - or more specifically, he's discovered that his hands are DELICIOUS. He can't seem to grasp yet that he can't fit his whole fist in his mouth, so he just keeps trying and trying. He's also been reaching for and grabbing toys you hold in front of his face, which he then also shoves in his mouth, often getting angry because either the toys don't fit in his mouth, or he can't fit the toys and his hands in his mouth simultaneously.