Oct 15
The Wanderer
I'm not sure why we ever really wanted Felix to walk.  Now he just gets into more trouble.
Oct 2
Actual wedding pictures
So - here are a few pictures of Felix from the wedding!  Or, for more pictures, here's a whole album on facebook (you don't need a Facebook account to view these): http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2533752&id=821165&l=59e41758d7
Sep 22
Technical Difficulties
Giles made me upgrade.  We all know how much I hate upgrades.  So, as usually happens when I upgrade, everything's broken and no longer works properly.  Hopefully, the galleries will be working again eventually.
Sep 22
The Odd Couple, and Assorted Felix in France
We've returned from the great wedding/honeymoon/Great Debastardiztion of 2009, and have (mostly) settled back in.  We're working on babyproofing the house (a little late) - installing doors on the bookshelves and figuring out a way to make the TV not such a giant, tempting and expensive baby hazard.  Felix spent two weeks or so with Giles's mother in France, and seems to have had a great time.  He got lots of quality time in with his cousins, including some more embarassing tub shots!  Sweet! 
Sep 12
Felix in the tub.  I'm just stockpiling embarassing photos for his teenage years, and what better place to store than them on the interweb??  Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I didn't post any with the family jewels in them.
Aug 22
Ah, Mobility
First of all - giant APOLOGIES for taking so long to post an update.  Things have been busy with all the wedding planning and work and - most of all - an increasingly mobile Felix.  I never thought I'd so miss the days when he would just lay there... and I could leave the room and go to the bathroom or whatever and come back, and he'd be in the same position.  Those days were LOVELY.  Now, in comparison, I think Felix is faster than me.   He's completely mastered crawling (still the strange, one-legged, vaguely piratical crawling), and pulls up on all the furniture.  He's walking while holding onto the furniture or our fingers, but no solo treks just yet.  Anyway, here's a nice, big, long-overdue pile of pictures for you all.  
Jul 6
Felix, meet Beach. Beach, Felix.
Happy Independance / Freedom from America Day! We took Felix to the beach yesterday.  A nice, crowded, not-so-relaxing day at Coney Island...  Felix seemed to enjoy eating sand off his pacifer and screeching in his sun-tent.  However, he was absolutely terrified of the  waves.  Since he's been enjoying splashing around in the tub (er... kitchen sink) so much, I thought he'd get a kick out of playing at the water's edge.  Nope.  He stood there staring at the water, and the first teeny tiny wave that touched him set off unhappy shrieks and lots of clinging.  He wasn't even digging the teeny tiny waves from the safe vantage point of four-feet above.  Poor thing.  I've probably traumatized him for life.  Sadly, we forgot the camera, but got a few shots on my phone.
May 28
Happy Baby (VIDEO!)
Here's a link to a short video we took of Felix the other day... www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD_hX86iZ3o
May 22
New Perspective
Besides the new apartment, Felix is also enjoying a new point of view - upright!  He's managed to go from very-supported sitting to sitting on his own in about a week.  He still needs help getting up, but has gotten really good at staying there.  Even better, he (usually) doesn't cry anymore when he topples over.  He's also hanging out on his stomach a lot more, rolling all over the place, and... not quite crawling, but at least scooting... backwards.  It's pretty funny, because he'll try to move towards something and just go the wrong way.  Then he gets really frustrated and starts screaming.  Anyway, sitting up means a whole giant pile of sitting-up pictures, obviously!
May 22
Oooh… a second date!
A few weeks ago, Steph and Navah came over so that Steph could check out the new place and Felix could check out Navah.  The babies seemed to have a good time grabbing each other's faces and just hanging out.  SO CUTE.

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