British Invasion, Parts II and III
In the next installment of meeting the family, Felix got to meet his grandpa (I hear "Pops" is the chosen title?) and Rosie, and right on their heels, his uncle James and Adam. It was a busy week!
First up was a bit of mulled wine when BriAnne's parents came in on Sunday night and got to meet David and Rosie. While Felix looked rather dapper, he managed to sleep through most of the evening. Monday, we ventured out (in the ridiculously cold night) to join David and Rosie for dinner at their borrowed flat in the East Village. Once again, Felix had a good nap.
Wednesday, James and Adam arrived and we all took over a big table at Schiller's: eating and drinking and generally making merry. As was quickly becoming his habit... Felix slept through it.
David and Rosie headed home on Thursday. We hit up John's (or was it Joe's??) Pizza - whatever it's called, it was delicious. Felix actually didn't sleep ENTIRELY through this meal, but he made a valiant effort. On their last night before a freakishly early departure, we took James and Adam to Vatan, which has finally reopened after something like a year of renovations. We were so pleased to find the big fake tree still reigning over the dining room, and most of the characteristic India-meets-Epcot Center decor intact. The biggest change seemed to be a whole new dining area opened up upstairs, and possibly a giant Ganesh (which I don't *think* was there before, but I could be wrong). The food was still delicious, and the giant booths are fantastically baby-friendly.
I will post what photos we have soon - and put out an official plea to Rosie to send over her photos! There's at least one three-generation photo from Wednesday that we don't have.
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